An Introduction to Mental Game Training
For Colleges, High Schools, Travel and Youth Organizations

You Want to Give Your Team the Edge

The "edge;" every coach wants it, but how do you achieve it? Sure your athletes must do the reps to master the physical side of the game. But is that enough to get them to play to their fullest potential on a consistent basis?

If the game truly is 90% mental then ask yourself how much time are you and your staff spending preparing and training your athlete between the ears? As a game coach myself I know that it's the pivotal moments of the game when an athlete's or team's mental game gets exposed or vindicated.

John Kelly's Mental Game Team Training

To give your team the mental edge they need to play their best mental game expert John Kelly has developed a "fastpitch specific" training program for college, high school and travel programs proven to elevate sports confidence and game performance levels rapidly. For more info click here.

Why This Training is Different

While other sports psychologists and mental game guys are preaching from their ivory tower John Kelly is on the field every weekend practicing, observing, teaching and proving his dynamic mental game strategies with his travel teams. With over 170 players in his organization John gets ample opportunity to test and prove his teachings. And because John Kelly has coached well over 1,000 fastpitch games and played college baseball at the highest level the athletes he teaches listen and learn at a far more rapid rate; accelerating their mastery of the mental game and propelling their game day performance levels!

For More Information on John Kelly's Training Programs

If you are interested in learning more about how John Kelly can customize his dynamic mental game training program to propel your team's game performance level this season contact him now!

Specific Mental Game Team Training Program Options


Cell: 858-222-9430

John Kelly's Bio